Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blog Post 13

On this post I want you to tell how technology  can be used in special needs classes or why it can not be. You will give reasons why or why not, and the pros and cons of both. I would like you to list the programs you would use if you did use it in the classroom or the programs you would not use in the classroom. How would you monitor the students on the internet and guide them where they are going? Please explain how you would minimize the damage to the devices?

I think and have observed technology in the special needs school. In my observation at Augusta Evans, the children use SmartBoards to play educational games. Also, iPads will be soon arriving at the school for the children to use. The teacher will be given a few iPads to make stations with. In Augusta Evan the children have a computer lab where they go and learn to how to type their name and address. Once the children have completed their daily task they are allowed to play educational games for 15 minutes. I spoke with a teacher there and in her class she is going to make sure the students are monitored by an adult at all times when they are using any technology.  The iPads will have very tough cases on them but these students can be very dangerous and violent, so they will be monitored. For the computers and iPads there are programs such as, K9 Web Protection. K9 Web Protection forces safe search engines on all major search engines.It  Blocks web sites in more than 70 categories, including pornography, gambling, drugs, violence/hate/racism, malware/spyware, phishing. It is the best free parental control software/ internet filter available. 


  1. Hi Paige. I really enjoyed reading your post on using technology in special education. I think it is great you also added a video!
